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Insights into the evaluation options of the Q-DAS CAMERA Concept

30 November 2015: Klaus Tasch

The Q-DAS CAMERA Concept implements performance measurement systems effciently for quality assessment in industrial production. It provides tools and procedures designing a well-structured and dynamic performance measurement system. Users can perform process analyses quickly in all phases of quality data flow and task-related software packages offer practical solutions.

This article focuses on the evaluations the CAMERA Concept is able to perform and illustrates its versatility.

Quick access to the benefts of Q-DAS software products

Before you are able to use the products of the Q-DAS CAMERA Concept, you frst have to record data. The major advantage of Q-DAS solutions is that you are able to record and process data from different sources quickly. You use the ASCII data format to transfer results from various measuring machines or other “writing systems“ (e.g. test equipment) and to connect numerous kinds of portable measuring equipment to Q-DAS software via interface.

However, this quick access to the Q-DAS CAMERA Concept might lead to an unstructured recording and storage of measured values making it hard to evaluate and apply the data. Some considerations and defnitions, however, help to establish clear rules of how to handle the flow of data and information in terms of statistical process control.

Looking at the single phases of the CAMERA Concept we realize that the on-line control loop of the process and the data flow is included in the frst two steps - ”collecting“ and ”assessing“. The “managing“ phase offers a well-structured storage of data with all the options a database provides and based on a defned data format. If required, a user evaluates data in the “evaluating“ phase whereas the next step - “reporting“ – focuses on an automated evaluation and provision of data. The “archiving“ phase compresses the data and gives an overview of huge data volumes and / or periods. These data can then be archived...

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