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How to create a well-structured, efficient reporting system

07 October 2013: Klaus Tasch

In order to use the full potential of the Q-DAS CAMERA Concept, you have to apply the tools of the M-QIS Engine. They offer the web applications and automatisms for creating reports and presenting results. This article helps to support a well-structured installation of the Q-DAS Reporting System including as few non-value-added services as possible. The term


is based on this claim.

The Reporting System is one of the main components of the Management Quality Information System (M-QIS). It is often applied to the offline control loop. The system is opposed to the Operator Quality Information System (O-QIS) illustrating the real-time control loop which is close to the process. However, these differences provide the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview reaching far beyond the single production processes. This helps you finding out about different relations and correlations.

A Reporting System is set up during the implementation of the Q-DAS CAMERA Concept. You mostly install it after configuring the data recording stations (procella, O-QIS, Upload). In the meantime, users gain experience in evaluating and reporting data manually by using qs-STAT or destra.

This kind of orientation phase often leads to the definition of clear tasks helping you specify an automatism for reports. Each company generally uses control loops whose efficiency rises as the automatic provision of information in the form of reports increases.

General preliminary considerations

The available qs-STAT options for the evaluation and graphical display of data combined with a time-saving automatism offer various opportunities and possible applications. However, this advantage may turn into a disadvantage. What seemed to be clear and wellarranged might become confusing when reaching the installation and maturation phase. However, this is not supposed to happen at all. At this stage, we want to keep things clear and keep track of the information we provide.

You laid the foundation for these advantageous opportunities in the production and quality planning process; now it is necessary to transfer them. The existing structures of the company provide some good starting points for this task.

A well-structured approach makes the installation easier and you will create the documentation for later expansions or “succeeding generations“ at the same time without really noticing it. You have already set the right course in the collecting and assessing phase of the CAMERA Concept (O-QIS, AQDEF data format and database structure).

Now, you may access the K-field structures in order to use specific information, such as reasons for test, workshops, characteristic classes, etc., as filter criteria. It is reasonable to analyze an established control loop of the company since the people working on the loop will be “grateful recipients” of automated reports.

Use the following phrase as a guideline:

“Only provide the required information with a sufficient level of detail to the right recipient.“

The overdisclosure of information quickly leads to a dwindling acceptance of the system. Only the right recipient is able to use the information and take the respective measures, i.e. to control processes...

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