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How the SAP IDI interface connects procells with the SAP ERP system

10 February 2014: Markus Pfirsching

Many companies use the ERP system SAP as a leading system for the administration of business processes. In order to have a consistent data structure in the processes, even quality processes fall within the administration of SAP QM. Thus it is reasonable to arrange the production planning with SAP, too. So you already have to define products and their characteristics in SAP QM. In addition, information about the respective order shall control the recording of data in the running manufacturing process. You can apply the Q-DAS software procella for the recording of data at this point.

SAP QM for the planning phase

SAP QM defines production parts in test plans. They are assigned to a description and a number and are linked to customers and suppliers etc. In addition, you have to define the test characteristics in the software. This is how the master data for data recoding is created. In order to record measurement data now, you have to generate a production order and create an inspection lot. Assign this inspection lot to a measuring station in production. The inspection information (inspection lot) is transferred via SAP QM interface (SAP IDI) to a procella work station recording data.

procella for recording data

Based on an adjusted selection, the procella work station displays the transferred SAP inspection lots directly. Now, operators on site know which inspection lots, i.e. production parts, to inspect. They select the inspection lot and start the measurement. procella is designed to facilitate the recording of data for the operator. You may even connect serial measuring equipment to collect data.

After completing the measurement, you can transfer the measured values back to the leading SAP system. You can even transmit usage decisions via SAP IDI interface.

Why procella?

When recording measurement data, there is frequently more at stake than the transfer of the measured value. The operator should have a suitable tool to enter the measurement data for the measuring task appropriately.

In order to achieve this goal, procella applies plausibility limits. The software does not accept any measured values exceeding these limits. Additionally, you can apply serial measuring equipment for collecting data in order to avoid faulty insertions.

procella informs the user about deviations by showing respective dialog boxes. Use them to input events, causes and measures for the respective alarm. You may display these additional pieces of information in an analysis of data. The information help you understand why the deviation occurred...

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