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Two leading companies cooperate

10 November 2014: Bernhard Lichtenauer & Joachim Norz, DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH

HEIDENHAIN measurement technology and Q-DAS software collect, process, evaluate and archive information from more than 250 measuring channels simultaneously. The full integration of the software into the hardware makes the handling of this technology easy and comfortable.

Multipoint measuring stations become more and more important in industrial metrology. It is characteristic of these applications that electronics control the simultaneous recording of several measured values taken from a test item – in case of complex measuring tasks this process often follows a specified test procedure. For many years now HEIDENHAIN has been providing position displays capable of evaluating information from up to 8 axes. Today, the follow-up MSE 1000 modular evaluation electronics unit can even record data from up to 250 measuring channels via various interfaces.

However, evaluating a measurement means more than just collecting information on site. If you want to achieve results based on these measurements, you must process, evaluate and archive the collected information. This is where the idea of cooperation between Q-DAS and HEIDEHAIN was born – successful software solutions now support precision measurement technology.

The current version 11 of procella integrated MSE 1000 software-based into the Q-DAS® world. Q-DAS engineers succeeded in providing all functionalities of their software to this Q-DAS/HEIDENHAIN solution which makes it easier for users to handle this complex measuring station. As an example, you can configure all channels by using procella...