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Control 2019

Q-DAS convinces international audience

871 exhibitors from 33 countries met at the 33rd International Trade Fair for Quality Assurance in Stuttgart, Germany, from 07 to 10 May 2019 – one of them was Q-DAS. Being part of the Hexagon stand, many specialists, especially international customers, visited the Q-DAS experts in software and statistics to get informed about the latest trends and innovations.

Q-DAS once again presented the entire product portfolio from statistical software to the eMMA 3D measurement data management to well-established training and consulting services. The web solutions of Q-DAS statistical products raised particular interest. The team presented the browser-based solutions of qs-STAT and O-QIS; solara.MP Web is going to be released in the course of the year.

Visitors also asked many questions about the concept of dynamic sampling, currently based on PC-DMIS, leading to continuous data flow from measuring instruments to the Q-DAS statistical analysis software and back. Even the collaboration with CAQ providers like Boehme & Weihs and iqs was well-received by customers and interested parties.

Stephan Conrad welcomed many visitors to his technical lecture “Mind the trap! Subjects customers and suppliers shall agree on to verify measurement process capability for accepting measurement systems“. Once again he illustrated complex statistical topics and made them easy to understand.

Q-DAS looks back on a successful trade fair with a highly interested international audience. We look forward to meeting you again in 2020.